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 Fitness and Training Articles

Winter Activities For Men


When winter hits, most people are concerned about two things: the oncoming cold temperatures and of course the extra winter weight.  For most men, the spring and the summer months come with a lot of great sports leagues and activities that are an easy way to stay in shape. Unfortunately, many of these leagues are outdoor sports like softball, baseball, and soccer. Some would even argue that without the nice weather that comes with the warmer seasons, there’s really no fun way to get out there and keep the body moving. However, there are plenty of ways for men of all ages to keep active even when the temperature is below freezing.


A great way for guys to stay active is participating in indoor recreational leagues during the winter. The obvious one that comes to mind is basketball and it’s more than easy to find leagues in your area that are looking for teams and players to sign up. Even getting a few guys together to play pickup games is a great way to hone your jump shot and keep in shape until the snow melts.


Then again, if basketball isn’t your thing there are plenty of other great recreational sports that can be done inside like indoor soccer, box lacrosse, and racquetball. In fact, racquetball is a great sport to consider because it only requires a court, a racquet, one other partner to play with, and is an amazing way to work out.


Sure, all of the mentioned sports and activities are great, but what happens if you don’t have a gym membership or can’t get through the rough snowy roads of winter? Well, don’t fret, there are great activities at home that serve the same purpose as going out to shoot hoops or lift weights.  One of these great at home activities, believe it or not, is shoveling your own sidewalk or driveway. Now, yes, no one likes to shovel their driveway when there’s inches of snow on the ground, but it’s a great workout.  Shoveling snow is almost comparable to lifting weights, but just like at the gym it’s important to have good form when shoveling or you may risk injury.


Another answer to staying fit and healthy during the winter months is purchasing and utilizing great home gyms. Simple equipment like a treadmill and an elliptical can really help to keep the pounds off until springtime returns. Home gyms are great if you are more about working out rather then participating in team sports and other activities. If you love to lift and work out then a home gym is the way to go for you.


Winter can be a pretty inactive season to get through for most men and it can do big time havoc on staying fit and healthy, but by following these tips you won’t have to hibernate until springtime to stay fit and healthy.

Gym Source Exercise Equipment

Megan Gates is an outreach representative for Gym Source
a leading retailer of home gyms and various other fitness and exercise equipment.  Megan contributes written work to the blogosphere related to health and fitness.